Paintings & Under 5s


We worked with Cezannes The Bathers to create an impressionistic participatory experience with the families. The goal was to have a different unconscious experience of being in front of and viewing the painting.

“it was really interactive….. it got my child to sing in different ways to what he would normally do, using different tones and intonation. It was really interesting” Parent

“Outside I saw some children from the earlier session being a tree and doing the noises with their parents. I thought it was a good extension from the gallery into the wider world” Project manger

Click here for Madame du Pompadour and the Baroque period

11.30 am Performance


10.30 am Performance

“I really liked the use of the body as a paint brush, it worked very well because they could more clearly understand how it was relating to music” Project manger

Ideas to get you mixing music and art at home

Blank 4

Planning ideas

Creativity, line, notation

Screen Shot 2017-07-26 at 15.48.18


Playing with line and sound

Playing with ideas. First response to the hand gesture in the centre of the painting



Going to look at the painting to get first ideas

